PPS影音 6.6.0 APK

PPS影音 6.6.0 APK


App Info

  • 软件名称PPS影音
  • 软件分类 媒體與影片
  • 最新版本6.6.0
  • 支持ROM 4.0及更高版本
  • File Size27.72 MB
  • Updated
  • APK名称tv.pps.mobile


【愛奇藝網友激推排行請點我】1. 陸劇《瑯琊榜之風起長林》大勢回歸 2. 陸劇《軍師聯盟下》最強軍師對決3. 動漫《庫洛魔法使透明牌篇》解除封印4. 韓綜《尹食堂2》暖心上菜 5. 韓劇《廣播羅曼史》不走套路的愛情【現正同步跟播中】韓劇:廣播羅曼史/Mother/Cross/不是機器人/我的鬼神搭檔/黑騎士/疑問的一勝/Untouchable/理判事判/ Jugglers台劇:我的男孩/姊的時代/已讀不回的戀人/獅子王強大/實習醫師鬥格 陸劇:軍師聯盟下/瑯琊榜之風起長林/海上牧雲記/生逢燦爛的日子/特化師/你好舊時光綜藝:尹食堂2/歌手2018/偶像練習生/Running Man/無限挑戰/夢想的聲音2/綜藝玩很大/The Unit/演員的誕生/不凡的改變動漫:庫洛魔法使透明牌篇/航海王/食戟之靈3/霸穹封神演義/OVERLORD2/血界戰線&BEYOND/七龍珠超/黑色五葉草/魔法使新娘【單片租借院線新片】銀翼殺手2049/美國製造/閨蜜假期/別闖陰陽界/星際異攻隊2/美女與野獸/神鬼奇航:死無對證/黑塔/玩命再劫/神偷奶爸3/神鬼傳奇/蜘蛛人:返校日【網友好評必看清單】韓劇:當你沉睡時/卞赫的愛情/醫療船/今生是第一次/The Package/名不虛傳/三流之路/隧道/鬼怪台劇:麻醉風暴全系列/我和我的四個男人/稍息立正我愛你/植劇場全系列/終極三國(2017)陸劇:獵場/那年花開月正圓/三生三世十里桃花/醉玲瓏/錦繡未央/楚喬傳/軍師聯盟/天淚傳奇之鳳凰無雙綜藝:爸爸去哪兒5/一日三餐4/中國有嘻哈/飢餓遊戲/綜藝大熱門/綜藝3國智/天才衝衝衝動漫:七龍珠超/進擊的巨人1、2季/獵人/柯南/銀魂電影:星際大戰外傳:俠盜一號/海洋奇緣/使徒行者/不幹了!我開除了黑心公司【原創頻道熱門影音】波特王PotterKing/上班不要看工作室/百變沛莉 Peri/HowLiving美味生活/電獺少女AotterGirls/PopDaily波波黛莉/Vamos Sports翊起運動【愛奇藝付費會員專屬優惠】愛奇藝台灣站黃金VIP會員:獨家影音內容、1080P高清畫質、無廣告順暢播放、每月2張租借券享熱門院線新片。1組帳號可支援3台裝置同時使用,月租方案首月免費。電影單片租借方案:熱門院線新片搶先看,單片租借無負擔,月付會員最划算;非會員單片租借90元,VIP會員只要60元!1、立即加入愛奇藝台灣站粉絲團 https://www.facebook.com/twiqiyi 獲得第一手消息,或臉書直接搜尋「愛奇藝台灣站」。2、若有任何問題請來信 [email protected],將有專人為您服務。

Internet Allows to access internet network.
Access network state Allows to access information about networks.
Install shortcut Allows to install a shortcut in Launcher.
Uninstall shortcut Allows to uninstall a shortcut in Launcher.
Access wifi state Allows to access information about Wi-Fi networks.
Change network state Allows to change network connectivity state.
Change wifi state Allows to change Wi-Fi connectivity state.
Write external storage Allows to write to external storage such as SD card.
Read external storage Allows to read from external storage such as SD card.
Access fine location Allows to access precise location from location sources such as GPS, cell towers and Wi-Fi.
Access coarse location Allows to access approximate location derived from network location sources such as cell towers and Wi-Fi.
Read phone state Allows read only access to phone state.
Get tasks Allows to get information about the currently or recently running tasks.
Change wifi multicast state Allows to enter Wi-Fi Multicast mode.
Reorder tasks Allows to change the Z-order of tasks.
Record audio Allows to record audio.
Mount unmount filesystems Allows mounting and unmounting file systems for removable storage.
Wake lock Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming.
Receive boot completed Allows to receive the boot completed notification that is broadcast after the system finishes booting.
Write settings Allows to read or write the system settings.
Vibrate Allows access to the vibrator.
Disable keyguard Allows to disable the keyguard.
baidu.push.permission.WRITE_PUSHINFOPROVIDER.tv.pps.mobile App customer permission.
com.xiaomi.permission.AUTH_SERVICE App customer permission.
Camera Allows to use the camera device.
Manage accounts Allows to manage the list of accounts in the AccountManager.
Get accounts Allows access to the list of accounts in the Accounts Service.
Authenticate accounts Allows to act as an AccountAuthenticator for the AccountManager.
Process outgoing calls Allows to monitor, modify, or abort outgoing calls.
CALL_PHONE Allows to initiate a phone call without going through the Dialer user interface for the user to confirm the call being placed.
Read contacts Allows to read the user's contacts data.
Bluetooth Allows to to connect to paired bluetooth devices.
Change configuration Allows to modify the current configuration, such as locale.
Read logs Allows to read the low-level system log files.
Modify audio settings Allows to modify global audio settings.
com.google.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS App customer permission.
com.android.launcher3.permission.READ_SETTINGS App customer permission.
com.android.launcher2.permission.READ_SETTINGS App customer permission.
com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS App customer permission.
com.huawei.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS App customer permission.
Read calendar Allows to read the user's calendar data.
Write calendar Allows to write the user's calendar data.
tv.pps.mobile.permission.MIPUSH_RECEIVE App customer permission.
